MP3 Rehearsal Tracks
We provide MP3 files for members to practice. We upload them in the first fist weeks of each semester.
Here is the link to the folder with the practice files for Fall (Holiday) 2024, notes for the pieces, and other documents:
(You may download for your personal use.)
There are five folders:
All: All parts at equal volume
Soprano 1: Soprano 1 line emphasized
Soprano 2: Soprano 2 line emphasized
Alto 1: Alto 1 line emphasized
Alto: Alto 2 line emphasized
You may need to "double-click" to open the folders and the files.
Links to You Tube videos are on the YouTube Videos page.
Solos: If there are solos for that part, there will be a sub-folder with MP3's with the solo verse and MP3's with the solo phrases.
We do our best to transcribe correctly. Let Judy know if there are corrections needed. Remember that we will sing the pieces at Randy's speed -- we have not confirmed the tempo of the MP3 files.